[img]http://motocity.idv.tw/img/up/0909a/0909301016080.jpg[/img] --------------------------------------------- 騎重機是一種對於自由的追求. 是一種生活態度.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

最美的後行李箱, 及車尾.

最美的後行李箱, 及車尾.

from victory motocycle producer in America.

消遙RV行 -- 香草天空早餐盃

今天天氣不錯, 大家相招來去香草天空吃個 早餐.
今天有2台 BMW + 2 台 GTR1400 + 1 台 FZ6 + 1 台 RV怪. 休閒風十足~ ^^b

不囉唆~ 看圖說故事

[翻譯文章] SUZUKI GSX1400 的避震調教

翻譯文章] SUZUKI GSX1400 的避震調教

The GSX1400 is not a sports bike, neither is it intended to be.
gsx1400不是台跑車, 所以也不要想變成跑車.

Having said that, It will play quite happily ridden hard, it corners pretty well for a heavy weight and can easily keep up with most sports bikes if needed, you can easily start ploughing up the tarmac with the footrests without trying too hard.
雖然是這樣說, 但是這台車也可以騎的很殺. 以他這麼重的車來說, 這部車過彎性良好, 如果有需要的話 , 也可以很容易的跟上大部分的跑車. 要殺彎的話, 也不需太努力就可以磨膝.

I generally class the 1400 as a great all rounder, it plays, it tours and is comfortable to ride.
大致上, GSX1400是一部全能型的車. 可以殺彎, 可以旅行, 可以騎的很舒服.

Its not a wheelie machine, it will, but not advisable, its a heavy beast and not the best bike to control while looking up at the police helicopter going past, If you want a wheelie machine then buy a 1200 Bandit.
這部車不是孤輪機器. 它可以, 但是不建議. 它是個重型猛獸, 但是孤輪時的控制性不好, 如果真要玩孤輪, SUZUKI BANDIT 1250 是比較好的選擇.

The 1400 is best at home on the open road, long sweeping bends etc it was made for long rides out, its not a happy bunny riding around town, you have to let the beast run wild. The suspension setting can alter how the 1400 rides quite a bit,
1400這部車適合街道行駛. 也適合殺彎. 更適合長途旅行. 要讓這台猛獸狂野起來, 避震器的調教很重要, 這部車可以因為避震器的調整不同, 而表現大為不同.

Motorcycle news did a article on suspension setting for this bike some years ago, a large number of owners set there bikes up to this , referred to as MCN settings and is regarded as the holy grail of suspension settings,
摩托車雜誌有一次寫了一篇針對1400避震器調教的文章. 很多車主根據這個設定調整避震器. 這個設定被命名為"MCN設定" , 而且被視為"聖經級的避震設定".

I have to say there are a small number of people who don't like the mcn settings, me personally I have set up my FE to this, its a tad on the hard side and I'm not convinced these are the right settings at all for me so I may have a play with the settings, although there is very good feedback from the road with the mcn settings, on standard setting it is too soft to feel any feedback on the road, I really think its all down to personal choice and how you like to ride.
但是也有少數人不喜歡這個MCN設定, 我個人是用這樣的設定. 但是道路行駛時感受震動有點明顯, 像個小孩般的活蹦亂跳, 我不認為這個設定很適合我, 所以我修改了一下.MCN 設定可以提供很清晰的路面感受, 當然這些調教絕對因人而異, 也取決於你要如何騎1400這台車.

前避震'預載pre-load'在前叉上方 如上圖步驟 1
1最硬 8最軟 標準值: 5

前避震阻尼受壓compression及回彈rebound如上圖步驟2, 3

再逆時針 聽格數轉
標準受壓: 7格
標準回彈: 8格



最軟: 1
最硬: 4
標準: 2

最軟: I
最硬: IIII
標準: II

thanks to joejoe for referencial information. ^^

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

我對 女人 + 吉他 沒有抵抗力

這些照片不是我拍的, 不過拍的真好.